Quotes and Messages For Unloving Mother

A mother’s love is considered to be one of the most powerful and influential forces in the world. It has been proven to shape societies, break down barriers, and even change people’s perspectives. So what does it mean when somebody refers to an unloving mother?

What is an unloving mother?

An unloving mother is a mother who does not show love and affection toward her children. She may be emotionally or physically abusive, neglectful, or simply uninvolved in her children’s lives. An unloving mother can have a negative impact on her children’s well-being and development.

The different types of unloving mothers

There are many different types of unloving mothers out there. Some may be emotionally abusive, while others may be physically abusive. Some may neglect their children, while others may simply not be there for them.

However, all unloving mothers share one common trait: they do not love their children unconditionally. They may love them when they behave in a certain way, or when they achieve something, but they do not love them unconditionally. This can cause a lot of pain and damage to a child’s self-esteem and sense of worth.

If you think you may be an unloving mother, it is important to seek help. There are many resources available to help you learn how to love your children unconditionally. With the right help, you can overcome this problem and start giving your children the love they deserve.

The effects of having an unloving mother

No one is perfect, and that includes mothers. Some mothers, however, are more loving and nurturing than others. Unfortunately, some mothers are downright unloving. If you had an unloving mother, it can have a profound effect on your life.

An unloving mother often withholds affection. She may be emotionally or physically absent. She may be critical, narcissistic, or even abusive. If you had an unloving mother, you may have grown up feeling alone and unworthy of love.

The good news is that you can overcome the effects of having an unloving mother. With effort and time, you can develop a healthier sense of self-worth and learn to create lasting, meaningful relationships.

How to deal with an unloving mother

It’s difficult to deal with an unloving mother. You may feel like you’re not good enough, or that you’re not worth her love. But it’s important to remember that your mother’s love (or lack thereof) doesn’t define you.

There are a few things you can do to deal with an unloving mother:

1. Find other sources of support. If your mother isn’t providing the love and support you need, look elsewhere for it. Spend time with friends and family who make you feel good about yourself, and pursue activities that make you happy.

2. Don’t take it personally. It’s important to remember that your mother’s unloving behavior is not a reflection on you as a person. It says more about her than it does about you.

3. Set boundaries as needed. If your mother is abusive or toxic, it may be necessary to set firm boundaries in order to protect yourself. This might mean limiting or ending contact with her, depending on the situation.

4. Seek professional help if needed. If you’re struggling to cope with an unloving mother, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help. A therapist can provide guidance and support as you deal with this difficult situation.

It’s amazing how people can change behind closed doors. ~ Susan Forward, Toxic Parents.

I will participate in a mother-daughter relationship only if it’s positive. ~ Rayne Wolfe.

When you have this hurt for this long, particularly when a bond so sacred as the mother to child is broken, it’s a slow walk to healing. ~ Iyanla Vanzant.

A child should never feel as if they need to earn a mother’s love. ~ Sherrie Campbell.

You can’t change the toxic behavior of your toxic parents but you can decide how you respond. ~ Unknown.


I love the person I have become because I fought to become her. ~ Kaci Diane.

It is both tragic and freeing to accept that your mother is not capable of being the mother you always needed her to be. ~ Stephi Wagner.

Most narcissistic mothers see motherhood as a burden and like to let it be known how much work it is. ~ Michelle Piper.

The narcissist mother refuses to acknowledge her games if she is pouting, let her. If she is using guilt in an attempt to force you to do something, do not give in. ~ Cynthia Bailey Rug.

Toxic mothers always remain the strangest, craziest people we’ve ever met. ~ Marguerite Duras.

An unloving mother robs the child of a sense of belonging. The need to belong can become a lifelong quest for him or her. ~ Peg Streep.

I was worthy of her love whether she gave it to me or not. Every child is worthy of love. ~ Richard Paul Evans.

While a narcissistic mother will gossip endlessly about the most details about your life, she is very secretive about her own life. She will lie about you but will punish you for telling them what she has done. ~ Gail Meyers.

My toxic mother can only intimidate me if I let her. While she’s busy trying to bully the child I, the adult I can reject her, ignore her or report her to authorities. ~ Rayne Wolf.

When I was with my mother, I sometimes thought of myself as a trophy. something to be flaunted before friends. When out of public view, I sat on the shelf ignored and forgotten. ~ Joan Frances.

Any mother that could be cruel to a child is not going to apologize to that child when they have grown up. ~ Rayne Wolf.

Narcissist mothers teach their daughters that love is not unconditional, that it is given only when they behave by maternal expectations and whims. ~ Dr McBride.

Denial is the lid on our emotional pressure cooker: the longer we leave it on, the more pressure we build up. Sooner or later, that pressure is bound to pop the lid, and we have an emotional crisis. ~ Susan Forward 

Boys and girls of narcissistic mothers both have to deal with a deficit of maternal nurturing that their upbringing lacked. ~ Mark Bans Chick.

Perfectionist parents seem to operate under the illusion that if they can just get their children to be perfect, they will be a perfect family. They put the burden of stability on the child to avoid facing the fact that they, as parents, cannot provide it. The child fails and becomes the scapegoat for family problems. Once again, the child is saddled with the blame. ~ Susan Forward.

Many toxic parents compare one sibling unfavorably with another to make the target child feel that he’s not doing enough to gain parental affection. This motivates the child to do whatever the parents want in order to regain their favor. This divide-and-conquer technique is often unleashed against children who become a little too independent, threatening the balance of the family system. ~ Susan Forward


Unloving mothers come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. They may be cold, distant, critical, or any combination thereof. Unfortunately, unloving mothers often create children who struggle with a wide range of issues including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and relationship problems. If you had an unloving mother growing up, know that it’s not your fault and that you can overcome the pain. Seek out therapy if necessary and work on building a foundation of self-love.
