Unsupportive Selfish Friends Quotes

Friends are an important part of our lives. They are the ones we share our deepest thoughts and secrets with, and the ones we rely on for support during difficult times. But what happens when those friends turn out to be unsupportive and selfish? It can be devastating to realize that the people you thought were your closest allies are actually holding you back and bringing negativity into your life.

Unsupportive and selfish friends can be toxic to our mental and emotional well-being. They may constantly criticize us, belittle our accomplishments, or refuse to offer encouragement when we need it the most. They may only be interested in hanging out with us when it benefits them or their own agenda, rather than genuinely caring about our wellbeing.

It can be difficult to recognize when a friend is being unsupportive or selfish, especially if we’ve been friends with them for a long time. But it’s important to understand that it’s not our responsibility to try and change their behavior. We can only control our own actions and reactions.

Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to distance ourselves from these types of friends. It may be painful and difficult, but ultimately it will be better for our mental and emotional health in the long run.

Quotes for Unsupportive Selfish Friends

Read the below quotes about unsupportive selfish friends who always leave you in your hard times and then come back when you have a good problem.

“Unsupportive friends are like weights tied to your ankles, pulling you down when you try to soar.” – Unknown

unsupportive friends

“If your friends can’t be happy for your successes, they don’t deserve to be a part of your life.” – Unknown

unsupportive friends

“You can’t change people, but you can change who you surround yourself with. Choose your friends wisely.” – Unknown

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“Friends who only show up when they need something are not real friends. They are opportunists.” – Unknown

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“When you’re going through a tough time, you find out who your real friends are. The ones who are still by your side are the ones worth keeping.” – Unknown

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“Your friends should lift you up, not bring you down. If they’re doing the latter, it’s time to reevaluate your friendships.” – Unknown

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“Life is too short to spend time with people who don’t support you. Choose friends who lift you up and make you a better person.” – Unknown

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“Unsupportive friends drain your energy and stifle your growth. Cut them loose and make room for positive influences in your life.” – Unknown

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“A true friend is someone who is there for you when they would rather be somewhere else.” – Len Wein

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“Surround yourself with people who have a positive impact on your life. Don’t waste your time on those who only bring negativity.” – Unknown

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“Friends who don’t support you are not friends at all. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you.” – Unknown

unsupportive quotes

“When you’re down and out, you find out who your true friends are. The ones who are still around are the ones you can count on.” – Unknown

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“Your friends should be your biggest supporters and cheerleaders. If they’re not, it’s time to find new friends.” – Unknown

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“True friends are there for you through thick and thin. If your friends aren’t supportive when you need them the most, they aren’t really your friends.” – Unknown

“If your friends don’t lift you up, find new friends who will. Life is too short to surround yourself with negativity.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.” – Roy Bennett

“Friends should be like pillars, supporting you from the ground up. If they’re not doing that, then they’re not your real friends.” – Unknown

“You deserve friends who inspire you, challenge you, and support you in every way possible. Don’t settle for anything less.” – Unknown

“Real friends support you even when it’s not easy or convenient for them. If they can’t do that, they’re not worth keeping around.” – Unknown

“Your true friends are the ones who are there for you even when they have every reason to walk away. Cherish them.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who want to see you succeed. Life is too short for anything less.” – Unknown

“Good friends are like stars – you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.” – Unknown

“If your friends aren’t cheering you on, they’re holding you back. Find friends who believe in you and lift you up.” – Unknown

“Unsupportive friends are like toxic weeds in a garden. They need to be removed so that healthy relationships can thrive.” – Unknown

“The people you surround yourself with should motivate and encourage you, not bring you down. Choose your friends wisely.” – Unknown

“True friends are those who stick with you through thick and thin, supporting you even when they don’t understand your path.” – Unknown

“Unsupportive friends will only hold you back from achieving your dreams. Don’t let them dim your light.” – Unknown

“When you’re on the path to greatness, not everyone will understand or support you. But the right friends will be there cheering you on.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with friends who believe in you, challenge you, and push you to be your best self.” – Unknown

“Good friends are hard to find, but unsupportive friends are easy to spot. Don’t waste your time on people who don’t add value to your life.” – Unknown

“An unsupported friend is like a car without wheels; they’re not going anywhere.”

Selfish friends only care about themselves; true friends care about each other equally.”

“Selfish people only think about their own interests; true friends think about how they can help each other.”

“Toxic friends will slowly poison your mind and soul; it’s best to distance yourself from them.”

“When you need friends the most, the real ones will be there for you; the fake ones will be nowhere to be found.”

“Bad behavior from friends is never acceptable; don’t tolerate it just because they’re your friends.”

“Jealous friends are like crabs in a bucket; they’ll pull you down to keep you from climbing higher.”

“True friends don’t just support you; they also challenge you to be your best self.”

“Selfish friends will only come around when they need something from you; true friends are there for you no matter what.”

“Toxic people will suck the life out of you; it’s important to set boundaries and protect your energy.”

“When you surround yourself with selfish friends, you’ll always feel like you’re giving more than you’re receiving.”

“Bad behavior from friends is a reflection of their character, not yours.”

“Jealous friends will try to make you feel small so they can feel big; don’t let them dim your light.”

“True friends lift you up and bring out the best in you; toxic friends tear you down and make you feel small.”

“Selfish people are only interested in what they can get from you; true friends are interested in building a lasting relationship.”

“When you’re in a toxic friendship, it can be hard to see the way out; but know that you deserve better.”

“Bad behavior from friends is a sign that they don’t respect you or your boundaries.”

“Shoutout to people who grew up with emotionally unsupportive parents and have to hear other people talk about how supportive their families are while you’re basically guiding yourself through life. You’re strong and brave.”
“Set healthy boundaries with unsupportive people. Release hurts by forgiving, blessing their hearts, and then farewell to them.”
“I was born into this family but all I got was hate in a place where I was supposed to get love and acceptance.”
“A person struggling for someone because of an unsupportive family has greater value than a person with a supportive family.”
“There is no room for unsupportive friends and family—only space for positivity.”
“If you’re going home to an unsupportive family this holiday season, remember that your worth is not defined by what they say or how they treat you.”
“Fielding unsupportive family pressure and sticking to your healthy guns!”
“Just because they are your family doesn’t mean that they know what’s best for you or your life.”
“Families are forever, and I wondered if the slogan was meant as a promise or a threat.” — Brady Udall
“Our family became a place where you screamed for help but no one heard, not ever”. — Marceline Loridan-Ivens
“Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.” — Hussein Nishah
“Most people don’t listen with the intent to understand. They listen with the intent to reply.” — Stephen Covey
“Family is supposed to be there for you no matter what comes your way. Shame on the ones who are not, that’s not what family is about.” — Unknown
“Our family was stuck in a cosmic hamster wheel of toxic love – making the same mistakes, saying the same words, being hurt in the same ways generation after generation. I didn’t want to keep playing a role in this tragedy of errors.” — Yamile Saied Méndez

“Jealous friends will never be happy for your successes; surround yourself with people who celebrate your wins.”

“True friends support you even when they don’t understand your choices; selfish friends will only try to change your mind.”

“Toxic people will always find a way to make you feel bad about yourself; it’s important to distance yourself from them.”

“When you’re surrounded by selfish friends, you’ll always feel like you’re competing for their attention.”

“Bad behavior from friends can be a sign that it’s time to move on and find new friends who treat you better.”

“Jealous friends will try to bring you down to their level; surround yourself with people who lift you up.”

“True friends are like a warm blanket on a cold night; they make you feel safe and loved.”

“Selfish people only care about their own needs; true friends care about the needs of everyone in the friendship.”

“Toxic friends will never be happy for your successes; they’ll always find a way to make it about them.”

“When you need support from friends, the real ones will show up; the fake ones will make excuses.”

“Bad behavior from friends can be a warning sign that they’re not really your friends at all.”

“Jealous friends will try to make you feel guilty for your successes; surround yourself with people who lift you up instead.”

“True friends are the ones who make you feel seen, heard, and valued; toxic friends will make you feel invisible.”

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